Hero adjustments, Battlefield adjustments, New skins and more
After putting in a good number of Hero Revamps through the last few Updates on the Advanced Server in Mobile Legends, which includes the likes of Leomord, Vexana, Akai, and Faramis. With the arrival of the current Mobile Legends Patch 1.6.84 Update, we are looking at some Hero adjustments, new skins for the upcoming events, and more. Let us explore it in detail.
Mobile Legends Patch 1.6.84 Update: Hero Adjustments
Julian (Nerfed)
Developers are slightly reducing the damage of Julian’s enhanced Skill 2 and 3, while partially reverting the fore-swing reduction from the previous patch.
Enhanced Skill 2 (↓)
Base Damage per hit: 122-170 >> 102-150
Enhanced Skill 3 (↓)
Base Damage: 400-560 >> 340-500
Irithel (Nerfed)
Developers are further lowering Irithel‘s burst potential when her Ultimate is down.
Passive (↓)
Extra Bolts at Full Energy: 2 >> 1
Skill 1 (↓)
Damage: 450-650 + 60{5376dfc28cf0a7990a1dde1ec4d231557d3d9e6448247a9e5e61bb9e48b1de73} Physical Attack >> 330-530 + 60{5376dfc28cf0a7990a1dde1ec4d231557d3d9e6448247a9e5e61bb9e48b1de73} Physical Attack
Akai (Nerfed)
Akai has been slightly overperforming with his chain control combos. Players are bringing down his early game damage to keep him around the balance line.
Passive (↓)
- Damage: 30 + 6{5376dfc28cf0a7990a1dde1ec4d231557d3d9e6448247a9e5e61bb9e48b1de73} Max HP >> 25 + 5{5376dfc28cf0a7990a1dde1ec4d231557d3d9e6448247a9e5e61bb9e48b1de73} Max HP
- Shield: 30 + 6{5376dfc28cf0a7990a1dde1ec4d231557d3d9e6448247a9e5e61bb9e48b1de73} Max HP >> 25 + 5{5376dfc28cf0a7990a1dde1ec4d231557d3d9e6448247a9e5e61bb9e48b1de73} Max HP
Ultimate (↓)
Cooldown: 40- 32s >> 45-37s
Nana (Nerfed)
Developers need more time to validate the adjustments to Nana. Thus, they are walking back most of the previous changes and only keeping part of the buff on her Skill 1. They will try to adjust and optimize this hero in the future.
Skill 1 (↓)
Damage: 330-530 + 125{5376dfc28cf0a7990a1dde1ec4d231557d3d9e6448247a9e5e61bb9e48b1de73} Magic Power >> 245-370 + 120{5376dfc28cf0a7990a1dde1ec4d231557d3d9e6448247a9e5e61bb9e48b1de73} Magic Power (It is still higher than the Official Server version)
Cecilion (Nerfed)
Cecilion’s been overshadowing other mages with his superb damage and sustainability. Therefore, his innate defensive power is being cut off.
Attributes (↓)
- Base HP: 2516 >> 2456
- Base Physical Defense: 20 >> 18
Beatrix (Buffed)
A bit of power is being added back to Beatrix’s basic attacks.
Renner – Basic Attack (↑)
Physical Attack Bonus: 340-515{5376dfc28cf0a7990a1dde1ec4d231557d3d9e6448247a9e5e61bb9e48b1de73} >> 350-525{5376dfc28cf0a7990a1dde1ec4d231557d3d9e6448247a9e5e61bb9e48b1de73}
Grock (Buffed)
More power is being returned to Grock’s Ultimate to help him get back to the playground.
Ultimate (↑)
Physical Attack Bonus: 60{5376dfc28cf0a7990a1dde1ec4d231557d3d9e6448247a9e5e61bb9e48b1de73} >> 90{5376dfc28cf0a7990a1dde1ec4d231557d3d9e6448247a9e5e61bb9e48b1de73}
Wanwan (Nerfed)
Since the last optimization, more and more players have mastered Wanwan. She may have been rising too much in power. He is being slightly nerfed, w.r.t. her damage to address it.
Ultimate (↓)
Physical Attack Bonus: 40{5376dfc28cf0a7990a1dde1ec4d231557d3d9e6448247a9e5e61bb9e48b1de73} >> 35{5376dfc28cf0a7990a1dde1ec4d231557d3d9e6448247a9e5e61bb9e48b1de73}
Lylia (Nerfed)
The control power of Lylia’s Skill 1 is being cut down. She’ll have to aim more carefully when spamming her Shadow Energy.
Skill 1 (↓)
Slow Effect: 40{5376dfc28cf0a7990a1dde1ec4d231557d3d9e6448247a9e5e61bb9e48b1de73} >> 30{5376dfc28cf0a7990a1dde1ec4d231557d3d9e6448247a9e5e61bb9e48b1de73}
Mobile Legends Patch 1.6.84 Update: Weekly free heroes and new skins
New Skins
These skins will be available on the 24th of May, 2022 in the MLBB X Transformers gacha event.
Julian “Silent Edge” will be available on the 24th of May. ONLY 51 Diamonds for the first two weeks.
Esmeralda “Light Envoy” will be available on the 7th of June at the Grand Collection event.
June Starlight Skin: Tigreal “Galactic MarshaI” will be available on the 1st of June, 2022.
Irithel “Hellfire” is back from the revamp and will be available soon.
Magic Chess
Benny “Soundwave” will be available on the 24th of May, 2022 at the Prime Wheel event.
8 Free Heroes dated 05/20/2022 05:01:00 to 05/27/2022 05:00:00 Server Time
- Moskov
- Uranus
- Cyclops
- Harley
- Hanabi
- Helcurt
- Belerick
- Cecilion
6 Extra Starlight Member Heroes
- Irithel
- Natan
- Fanny
- Terizla
- Karina
- Selena
Mobile Legends Patch 1.6.84 Update: Battlefield adjustments
The adjustments are reverted to the mid-lane minion waves. The minion rewards are gained by heroes with Retribution in the first 5 minutes. Both adjustments will be further tested in the future.
What are your thoughts on the Mobile Legends Patch 1.6.84 Update? Let us know in the comment section below!
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